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Preimise Liability Attorney Texas

Premise Liability

Premise Liability Lawyer in EdinBurg, Tx

Get Compensated for Injuries Caused by Negligence 

Have you been injured due to someone else's negligence while on their property? Contact our premise liability lawyer in EdinBurg, TX.

Types of Premise Liability Cases We Handle

No matter how your injury occurred, we can help. Some cases we handle include:

Slip and fall accidents

Swimming pool accidents

Negligent security cases

Amusement park accidents

Elevator and escalator accidents

Dog bites and animal attacks

Fires and explosions

Toxic exposure cases

Premises Liability Attorney Near Me

In premise liability cases, it can be challenging to prove negligence by the property owner or manager. Hiring a premise liability lawyer can help you understand your legal rights and build a solid case, making it easier to recover any compensation that you are entitled to. 

At the Law Office of Emerson Arellano, we take on a wide range of premise liability cases, including slip and fall accidents, dog bites, animal attacks, and more. We can help you determine if you have a valid claim, investigate the incident, and gather evidence to support your case. We can even help you negotiate a settlement so you can avoid going to court. However, if your case goes to court, we will be able to properly represent you in front of a judge and jury, increasing your chances of success.  

Why Should You Hire a Premise Liability Lawyer?

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